Friday, August 28, 2009

Fiction: WoW Fight

(While exiting the theater, Jamie checks his cell phone and they both drift towards the refreshment stand)

Mark: So, the 'Avatar' trailer…

Jamie: Hmm…

Mark: (smiling) Sort of vindicates all that 'FernGully' fanfic I used to write.

Jamie: (laughs easily) Ha. Right. I don’t know whether to watch 'Tron' when I get home or go right to making dirty things in Adobe Flash.

(Both arrive at refreshment stand and take their place in line)

Jamie: (shows Mark his cell phone) Look at all this money I have in "FarmTown."

Mark: (shakes head) You know that’s not real, right?

Jamie: (still studying cell phone) Big harvest tonight at 2.

Mark: You were a little easier to take when you were just playing WoW.

Jamie: (grimaces good-naturedly)

Mark: The Lich King expansion changed the whole game. You should come back.

(Finally, they arrive at front of refreshment line and Jamie puts cell phone away)

Jamie: (to cashier) Two cappuccinos, please.

Jamie: (to Mark) Do they let you buy houses yet?

Mark: No.

Jamie: Can I have your blue armor?

Mark: No.

Jamie: Can I have your mount?

Mark: No.

Jamie: Can I go on raids with you?

Mark: (hesitates) No.

Jamie: (stares at Mark)

(Uncomfortable silence.  Jamie leans into Mark, begins to straighten his tie and resumes speaking evenly but slightly softer)

Jamie: Well, maybe you should go to the party tonight with the Lich King…

(Jamie pulls Mark’s tie tight)

Jamie: (raises chin and whispers into Mark’s ear) …and then afterward, you two can fuck yourselves.

(Jamie leaves. Mark turns to watch him leave then turns back to the just-returned refreshment girl)

Refreshment Girl: (places two cups on counter in front of Mark) Two cappuccinos.  $9.75.

(Mark stares at drinks)

Refreshment Girl: You could have let him have the armor but now you're gonna have to give him the mount.

(Mark stares at Refreshment Girl)

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