Monday, June 1, 2020

Like Everyone Else, David Lynch is Bored.

David Lynch is one of my most favorite people of all time and most definitely my favorite artist.  Just watching him speak of something usually lifts that whole day.  He's just so joyous and sincere which, in case you haven't noticed, has been in short supply on the Internet since the day it was created.

He is also one of those rare cases of someone who seems to practice what he preaches.  He speaks often of his love of Transcendental Meditation and on the many ways it's improved and enriched his life.  And just listening to him speaks on the things he loves, he is obviously on to something.  He not only speaks of enlightenment but is one of the few people who I can believe has actually found it.

And like everyone else these days during the quarantine, Mr. Lynch seems to be getting quite bored.  So bored, in fact, that he seems willing to speak with anyone with a Zoom account.  Here he is talking with another practitioner of Transcendental Meditation (which I'll abbreviate to "TM" from now one), a fellow named Mario:

It's a typical Lynch interview, one in which Lynch is asked common questions such as "Where do you get your ideas?" and "What has TM done for you?"  And although I've seen and heard Lynch's answers to these questions many times, a Lynch interview is never boring.  His character and personality and decency are so vibrant that those positive qualities shine through in every one of his words and never fails to uplift me, to make me want to start new projects and examine new ways of dealing with stress and negativity.

That interview was posted on May 16, 2020 and here's another posted just two weeks before, on April 28th.  This one is with author and podcaster Susie Pearl, who seems to share lots of Lynch's interests and ideas on meditation, creativity and art.  Pearl also shares an amazing story about her own recent experiences with TM and describes one incident that might be an out and out miracle.  Here, Lynch is even more excitable and involved with the back and forth discussion and since Pearl is a better interviewer than Mario, it's a better overall watch.

Over on one of his own official YouTube channels, Lynch is documenting how he's keeping busy at home in a series of videos entitled "What's David Working on Today?"

Also on that channel, Lynch has been providing daily LA weather reports for the past 3 weeks.  This is a sweet reference to his pay site back in the early 2000's which, among other oddities, provided the same kind of reports (even from the same room!).  So, while kind of weird, there is a precedent to Lynch doing this kind of thing.  And let's face it; after a full three months, everyone is chomping at the bit to get out and clutching at straws to kill time and find some way to get through yet another day of social distancing and sheltering in place.  Some of us do that with creativity and work towards creating things.  I'm no artist and yet I'm never more happy than when working on a project, planning things and working out best ways to accomplish bringing ideas to life.

I was going to detail what a couple of other different artists were doing to pass the time during this downtime but I'm going to wrap up this entry with Lynch alone.  If I don't come back to this subject, I'd suggest looking up the new short iPhone film Martin Scorsese posted on Twitter last week and John Krasinski's newest YouTube project "Some Good News."  See how easy that was?  We just killed an hour together.

Transcendental Meditation Wikipedia page.
Supposedly the official Transcendental Meditation site here.
David Lynch Foundation YouTube channel.
David Lynch Theater YouTube channel.
David Lynch's music YouTube channel.

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