Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Low Point in the Galaxy

Total Defeat

No matter how you slice it, these two recently purchased Star Wars X-Wing ships have to be two of the most lackluster models I've ever seen.  No matter what angle I viewed these things at, they both looked pretty awful.  My camera isn't the greatest but there wasn't any good angle to view these two ships from.

The TIE Silencer is so black, there is no good angle to view this model from.  No matter your position, it's just practically a void.  This model really needed one or two highlights, one or two additional colors to make something on it - anything - stand out.

The Resistance Bomber isn't much better.  From the pictures in the advertising, they suggest that this ship is going to be much more 3D than it really is.  The horizontal wings are so short that they barely register and the ship as a whole comes across as a mostly flat, vertical, upside down "L."  The paint job on the Bomber is miles better than the Silencer but that's not saying much.

It's been so long since I added anything to my collection and this isn't the return to a great collection that I was hoping for.  I either need to double down on these purchases and order one or two new ships that are effing great or I need to scrap the collection entirely and sell everything I have on eBay.

I love these ships of mine but the Silencer and the Bomber are truly the bottom of the barrel.  What I really could have used right now to restore my faith in these two games is the Armada Super Star Destroyer but since that thing has been out of stock all over for a while, I'll need to pursue other avenues.  A few great X-Wing models may not be good enough to get me back on track; what this loss of faith calls for are a few of the best Armada models and nothing less.

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