Saturday, September 26, 2020

How NOT To Pose a Figure...

 ...and how not to take a picture (for that matter)

Friday, September 25, 2020

Another Spider-Man Homemade Suit Posing Session...


Spider-Man Homemade Suit Swings In With Another Pose...

While I work on some new reviews of some of the shows on Apple TV (like The Morning Show and Mythic Quest),  let's look at some new poses of those awesome Hot Toys figures that came in last week.

Until I get some video up, here's a few pics of these always amazing figures.  Doing my best to only post the very best pictures and videos on all my sites so please excuse the occasional less than stellar media that slips through.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Complete List of Funko Pops

(updated 9/16/2020)

Team Suit Avengers "Endgame:"
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Captain America
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - War Machine (Team Suit) Amazon Exclusive
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Ant-Man
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Hulk
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Thor
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Nebula
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Iron Man
STILL NEED: Black Widow & Hawkeye

"Captain Marvel:"
 Marvel: Captain Marvel - Carol Danvers on Motorcycle
 Marvel: Captain Marvel - Maria Rambeau
 Marvel: Captain Marvel - Captain Marvel, Holding Lunchbox
 Marvel: Captain Marvel - young Nick Fury

Marvel outliers:
 Marvel: Ant-Man & The Wasp - Ghost
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Bro Thor with Pizza
 Marvel: Black Widow – Red Guardian
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - Casual Thanos from Garden with Gauntlet

Wonder Woman 1984:
 Movies: Wonder Woman 1984 - Wonder Woman Gold Flying
 Movies: Wonder Woman 1984 - Wonder Woman w/ Lasso
 Movies: Wonder Woman 1984 - Wonder Woman Flying

"Big" collection:
 Movies: Big - Josh
 Movies: Big - Zoltar magical machine
 Movies: Big - Josh on Piano

 Movies: A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood - Mr. Rogers
 Movies: Us - Umbrae with Scissors
 Movies: Us - Abraham with Bat
 Movies: Us - Adelaide with Chains & Fire Poker
 Movies: James Bond - Daniel Craig (Quantum of Solace)
 Movies: Silence of The Lambs - Hannibal, no blood
 Movies: Get Out - Chris Hypnosis

Oversized 6" and Vehicles:
 Marvel Heroes: Thanos Snap
 Marvel: Avengers Endgame - 6" Hulk with Gauntlet
 Ride Marvel: Captain Marvel - Carol Danvers on Motorcycle
 Movies: Big - Zoltar
 Marvel: Avengers Infinity War 6" Hulkbuster
 Marvel: Avengers Infinity War - Eitri 6" Amazon Exclusive

"Blind Buy" set of 10 from Amazon:
(For a very cheap price ($40), you get 10 random Pops)

Predator Hound
Amphibian Man (from "The Shape of Water")
Bev Marsh, young, from "It" (2019)
Riddler (from '66 Batman TV show)
Frodo Baggins
Newt Scamander (from "Crimes of Grindlewald")
Finn Balor (WWF)
Phillip (from South Park)
Adam Bomb (Garbage Pail Kids)

Friday, September 11, 2020

Casual Picture Drop

 Getting close to completing my set of Funko Pops Avengers Team Suit.  Here's what I have so far, can you name the two heroes I still need:

And yeah, I realize that Fury from "Captain Marvel" doesn't belong in an "Endgame" group shot but it felt like I needed an 8th figure in there.

And over in the Hot Toys corner, still having fun posing the hell out of these amazing figures.  Here's a new pose of Spidey that I promised my sister:

And because I mostly forgot to snap some pics of that first Spidey pose, here's perhaps the only proof I have of that first day of fun:

Good thing I have two videos of my first poses on my YouTube channel.